Our Friends

Our Friends


Crystal Springs Foundation, Inc. depends upon the generosity of our donors to fulfill our mission of providing unique educational experiences without financial barriers. Contributions to Crystal Springs Foundation support the educational programming offered at Crystal Springs and enable us to protect and preserve the native habitats found at the Preserve.  Your gift helps to ensure that future generations of students will have the benefit of exploring some of Florida's most pristine native habitats. Any level of giving is always greatly appreciated.   

Please consider a gift to help build the next generation of envrinomental stewards.  

Commitment to Privacy
Your check made payable to Crystal Springs Foundation, Inc. will provide critical support for environmental education and Florida spring habitat conservation at the preserve. Since all educational programs are privately operated by Crystal Springs Foundations, Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization (EIN# 20-3036903), your contribution is deductible to the full extent provided by the IRS guidelines.

Please address your contributions to:

Crystal Springs Foundation
P.O. Box 190, Crystal Springs, FL, 33524

 Thank you for your consideration.